Get the ISO certification – why you actually may need this?

Obtaining ISO certification is a goal that many companies want to achieve, but are not sure as for why do they need to do so. Their doubts are understandable – ISO is basically all about quality management and their regulations are strict, which makes them hard to follow.

Why would a company decide to go through all the hardships of complying to ISO standards and getting certified, if they don’t know what benefits does it entail? Here are the basics every company should know before making the decision to get the ISO certification.


Why do you need ISO certification?

Many companies want to comply to ISO standards to satisfy customer requirements. That is helpful and a good way to go. However, it’s never a good idea to look for a short-term payoff. Many clients demand getting certified if the company wishes to work with them. Improving quality management just to get that one client one time and not seeing any further benefits of making your quality management better will make you hate the process.

Making the decision to get ISO certified means realising that the ultimate goal of Quality Management System complaint with ISO standards is continued customer satisfaction. Take the certification process and the improvement as a chance to really excel and do better in all areas of your business.

ISO certification inevitably attracts new clients, which means that the company can prosper far better than before certification.

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You must realise that ISO certification is not just a paper though. It’s a real improvement of company and product quality – every process and every product that goes into the company should be better than before. Embrace it! Make the better quality your new standard and keep getting better at maintaining the good momentum. Make your employees proud of the company they work for. Make their jobs easier because there actually are quality standards. They are not just a formal regulation, they are real and visible actions.

ISO certification means that there will be improvements in the process – a good example is ins2outs platform where you meet high quality technology perfect for ISO implementations. You need to see the changes as improvements. You need to know that with proper conduct and adjusting your work to the new standards will improve the overall efficiency of your company, it will reduce waste and will save you money in the long run. A well-run company that wants to comply to ISO and sees it as an opportunity rather than a necessity will realise that ISO certification will make it easier to strive to perfection. And a perfect company attracts clients. Not just one-time client that demands the certification. New clients are far more worth the effort.